Australia's history in Native Copper, Gold and other elements is renowned across the world. Ausrox Native Gold is a part of that legacy and we continue to strive to deliver the best specimens possible.
Ausrox Gold Nugget (pictured) is one example of our dedication to the preservation of natural gold nuggets. We have an excellent selection of unique minerals and nuggets that simply put will further appreciate in value over time!
Copper Native 658 gram
Copper Native 658 gram
Copper in natural Native form from Cloncurry Queensland.
Gold Specimen Wire 393 gram (include Matrix)
Gold Specimen Wire 393 gram (include Matrix)
Gold Specimen "Wire" Crystals on matrix. Bright crystals of fine "Wire" gold from Nevada USA.
Gold with Quartz & Limonite 10 grams
Gold with Quartz & Limonite 10 grams
Gold with Quartz & Limonite ~10 grams of Gold and a total weight of 16.4 grams from Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.